• bilge pumps

In a boat, large or small, it is vital to know at any given moment whether there is water in the double bottom or bilge. Stainless steel probes are installed in the bilge, which, connected by means of a three-pole cable (with negative ground for boats with inboard engines) or a four-pole cable (for boats with outboard engines), transmit the presence and level of water to the LEVELCONTROL microprocessor mounted on the bridge. LEVELCONTROL must always function even when the boat is moored and the control panel is switched off. A flashing warning light indicates that the microprocessor inside is working (RUN). In the event of water infiltration, the first indicator light that illuminates in the LEVELCONTROL is the presence of water (WATER); se il livello dell'acqua continua a salire, si accenderanno le spie alto livello (HI-LEVEL) + (OUT 1) e si attiverà istantaneamente la pompa di sentina. Se la pompa è bloccata per ossidazione, per corpi estranei nella girante, per bruciatura del fusibile o insufficiente portata, in sentina il livello dell'acqua continuerà a salire pericolosamente ed allora il LEVELCONTROL ci segnalerà l'allarme (ALARM) + (OUT 2) ed accenderà una pompa d'emergenza. Parallel to the pump, acoustic and optical beacons can be driven to signal, in the case of a moored boat, that an emergency situation is in progress to those on the bench. The alarm can also be used to activate a VHF or CB device in transmission to signal the event, even at a great distance, via a voice encoder. The alarm and pump activation will cease only when the water level has returned to normal. The LEVELCONTROL, if fitted correctly, is immune to the annoying problem of the boat's rolling, which, with normal bilge switches, even if timed, continuously activates and deactivates the pump. In fact, the microprocessor is programmed to work only within preset parameters. On request, a button can be inserted in the front panel of the LEVELCONTROL which, in the event of prolonged inactivity of the pumps, serves to activate them manually from time to time to prevent them from seizing.
Current absorbed at rest at 12Vdc:7mA.
Current absorbed with all relays energized: 130mA.
Current load capacity on relay contacts: 10Amp.


Level control navy.

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